Our First Ever Book Event! Thursday May 2 at 7 pm


We are delighted to host our very first literary evening on Thursday, May 2 from 7 pm.

Our Collectivist G Maria Bencich-Grigore has written (in Spanish and English) and published a book: “Ad Kalendas Graecas” which we have for sale in the gallery.

Ad Kalendas Graecas is a compilation of disparate narratives, where the raw emotions of restlessness, heartbreak and the fall that they entail prevail. The texts, although separated from each other, are intertwined by passion, hope and the constant search for salvation, which always defeat cynicism, cruelty or carelessness. In a bilingual journey over a decade, the decade of early maturity, but without the experience of years, we read emotions made into literature. The letters save their author and hope to help save anyone who finds themselves in these fragments.

Please join us from 7 pm.  Linsay, director of the gallery will talk to our author about her inspiration and writing process, followed by a reading and then a short q&a session.  Refreshments will be served.

The event is free of charge but please do let us know if you are planning to attend.

Copies of the book will be available on the night and the author is delighted to sign them for you.


Event Details

Start date: 2024-05-02

End date: 2024-05-02

Start time: 19:00

End time: 20:30

Venue: Art & Craft Collective 93 Causewayside EH9 1QG

Phone: +441316299123

Email: linsay@artcraftcollective.co.uk